sâmbătă, 22 ianuarie 2011

German Ifo Business Climate Index Rose To 110.3 In January

Amplify’d from www.indiainfoline.com

German Ifo Business Climate Index Rose To 110.3 In January

The German January Ifo business climate index rose to 110.3 in January, the Munich-based Ifo Institute reported Friday, news reports said. The index had been forecast to rise to 110.0 from a revised reading of 109.8 last month.

he Ifo Business Climate Index for German industry and trade rose further in January. The business climate has thus continued the positive development of the past year. The firms are just as satisfied with their current business as they were in December, and they have given more favourable assessments of their business prospects for the coming half year. The German economy has started the year with great vigour.
the business climate has clearly improved, having clouded over somewhat in the previous month. The manufacturing firms report an improved business situation and once again have given more favourable appraisals of their business outlook. Especially in exports, the survey participants see much greater opportunities. The firms have further increased the utilisation of their machines and equipment, and now capacity utilisation in manufacturing is above average. They also plan to increase the number of their staff.
The business climate in retailing and wholesaling has cooled off somewhat, following a significant improvement in both distributive sectors in December. Both retailers and wholesalers no longer assess their current business situation quite as favourably as in the past month. With regard to the six-month business outlook, their optimism has also weakened somewhat.
Read more at www.indiainfoline.com

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